Self-characterization is a narrative technique framed in Personal Construct Theory (PCT; Kelly, 1955). It is differentiated from others narrative techniques by its elicited instructions, where is request a third person selfdescription in a sympathetic and intimate way, and by analysis protocol, that try to blur the reader from his own vision and assume the author's point of view as his own, like so explore the process and the system of personal construct. Despite being highlighted for therapeutic useful (G. J. Neimeyer, 1996), no works founds that gather the self-characterizations finds. The objective is analyzing the differences and similarities founded between research which use self-characterization. For give an answer, it is made a literature review that group the main contributions about this technique. It has been taken in consideration the methodology, instructions and analysis format, and analysis phases. This paper sample that credulous approach, instruction flexibility and personal construct exploration are the recurrent point in compiled works. It is been concluded that analysis format, poorly systematized, supposes a negative influence in its use and diffusion at empiric level. Additionally, it is indicated the need to generate a new protocol to analysis that integrated the principal phases and therapeutic attitude that have garnered more attention.