It is well established that sensory afferents innervating muscle are more effective at inducing hyperexcitability within spinal cord circuits compared with skin afferents, which likely contributes to the higher prevalence of chronic musculoskeletal pain compared with pain of cutaneous origin. However, the mechanisms underlying these differences in central nociceptive signaling remain incompletely understood, as nothing is known about how superficial dorsal horn neurons process sensory input from muscle versus skin at the synaptic level. Using a novel ex vivo spinal cord preparation, here we identify the functional organization of muscle and cutaneous afferent synapses onto immature rat lamina I spino-parabrachial neurons, which serve as a major source of nociceptive transmission to the brain. Stimulation of the gastrocnemius nerve and sural nerve revealed significant convergence of muscle and cutaneous afferent synaptic input onto individual projection neurons. Muscle afferents displayed a higher probability of glutamate release, although short-term synaptic plasticity was similar between the groups. Importantly, muscle afferent synapses exhibited greater relative expression of Ca 2ϩ -permeable AMPARs compared with cutaneous inputs. In addition, the prevalence and magnitude of spike timing-dependent long-term potentiation were significantly higher at muscle afferent synapses, where it required Ca 2ϩ -permeable AMPAR activation. Collectively, these results provide the first evidence for afferent-specific properties of glutamatergic transmission within the superficial dorsal horn. A larger propensity for activity-dependent strengthening at muscle afferent synapses onto developing spinal projection neurons could contribute to the enhanced ability of these sensory inputs to sensitize central nociceptive networks and thereby evoke persistent pain in children following injury.