The osci/lalory phenomena in natural conaeaion of low-Prandtl-number fluids were studied numerically in a rectangular cavily with horizontal temperature gradient at Prandtl number Pr = 0.01, aspect ratio A = I, 2, or 4, and Raykigh number Ra = 10', to', or 10'. In the case ofA = IamainstrongroundrollcellwasformedatRa = 10'. Howevtr,atRa = lOs and 10', two secondary roll cells in the core of a main roll cell were formed and rolllled around the center of the system. The flow was oscillating. In the case of A = 2, i.e.; a taller regime, the shape of the main roll cell varied with time at and above Ra = 10', and then the secondary complicated weak roll cells were formed above and below the main roll cell.This resulted in osci/lalory phenomena even at Ra = /0'. In the case of A = 4, three main roll cells were formed. AI Ra = to', secondary roll cells were formed between the main roll cells and then oscillasion offlow occurred.