During the four river restoration project, several weirs were constructed in the four rivers to prevent drought and flood, to improve water quality, and to manage water resources. However, due to the weir construction, bed changes are produced in the upstream channel of installed weirs because the incoming flow velocity is reduced and sediment transport capacity is also lowered. Especially, since the Haman Weir is located in the lowest downstream section among newly installed weirs in Nakdong River, bed change and sedimentation problems are expected due to the mild slope and reduced velocity. Therefore, numerical simulation was performed to analyze flow and bed changes in the upstream channel of Haman Weir and to evaluate quantitatively sediment control methods for bed stabilization using CCHE2D model. As a result of flow and bed change simulation after installation of Haman Weir, the flow velocity at the initial condition was faster than the final bed condition with the specific simulation time and it was represented that the locations where bed changes were great were identical for all modeling conditions of flow discharge. In case of 4.5 m of water level lowered from 5.0 m of the management water level at Haman Weir for bed stabilization, the flow velocity was generally faster than the case of the management water level and the continuous erosion was developed at the most narrow channel section as the applied discharge and simulation period were increased. The channel width extension at the most narrow channel section was proposed in this study to prevent and stabilize continuos bed erosion. As a result of numerical analysis, there was no bed erosion after channel width extension and it was presented that the channel geometry extension was effective for bed stabilization at Haman Weir.