In wall-bounded turbulent flow calculations, the past focus has been directed to the modelling of the Reynolds-stress gradients. Not much attention has been paid to the effects of the numerical methods used to calculate these terms and the modelled equations. Discrepancies between model calculations and measurements are quite often attributed to incorrect modelling, while the suitability and accuracy of the numerical methods used are seldom scrutinized. Instead, alternate near-wall and Reynolds-stress models are proposed to remedy the incorrect turbulent flow calculations. On the other hand, if care is not taken in the numerical treatment of the Reynolds-stress gradient terms, physically unrealistic results and solution instability could occur. Previous studies by the author and his collaborators on the effects of numerical methods have shown that some of the more commonly used numerical methods could enhance numerical stability in the solution procedure but would introduce considerable inaccuracy to the results. The flow cases chosen to demonstrate these inaccuracies are a backstep flow and flow in a square duct, where flow complexities are present. The current investigation attempts to show that the above-mentioned effects of numerical methods could also occur in the calculation of a developing plane channel flow, where flow complexities are absent. In addition, this study shows that the results thus obtained lead to a predicted skin friction coefficient that is influenced more by the numerical method used than by the turbulence model invoked. Together, these results show that numerical treatment of the Reynolds-stress gradients in the equations play an important role, even for a developing plane channel flow.