⎯In general, molding or FRP ship molds can only produce one hull shape. This is, of course, contrary to the production of ships, which are mostly of the customized type (based on consumer demand) and very rarely mass-produced to produce sister ships. The high cost of molding certainly makes economic sense in terms of shipbuilding costs. With the aim of a low price for fishing boats, of course, it can become a mainstay and ease the burden on the answer to the high demand for fishing boats in the coastal community or as a specialty for the South Coast of Java. Multi-mold is a ship molding solution for FRP ship material that can produce more than one hull shape. It will reduce the cost of producing a boat. To get the best mold design results, it is necessary to design the structural strength. The mold design is strong, but not overly strong. The method used in designing the mold structure uses the finite element method. To get the best mold design results, it is necessary to design the structural strength. The method used in designing the mold structure uses the finite element method. The analysis is carried out at the position of the forepart of the mold construction, in this case because the part has a large load with a more limited area. The result of post-processing on Von Misses stress with value 14.98 N/mm 2 in finite element analysis is still acceptable for the allowable stress. In the multi-mold system or components, there are the main shell structure, reinforcement frame, and support or mold holder. The shape of the multi-mold is carefully designed so that it can be knocked down to reveal each constituent component. To get good results in the assembly of multi-mold, an production drawing is needed in the order of the development process so that effective and efficient results are obtained.