Pradimicin L, a new congener of pradimicin A having the D-glucosyl-D-thomosamine moiety at the C-5 position, was isolated from Actinomaduraverrucosospora subsp. neohibisca subsp. nov. The structure of pradimicin L was deduced to be N- [[(5S;6S>5-0-[4,6-dideoxy-4-(methylamino Pradimicins A, B, C1 "4*, D, E5), FA-1 and FA-26) were previously reported to exhibit broad activity against pathogenic fungi and yeasts. They share 5,6-dihydrobenzo[a]naphthacenequinone as the common skeleton and can be distinguished from each other in the amino acid moiety (D-alanine1~4), glycine5) and D-serine6)) and in the 4'-amino group of D-thomosamine in the disaccharide moiety. Benanomicin A, which also has a 5,6-dihydrobenzo[#]naphthacenequmone skeleton, was reported to have D-alanine as the amino acid moiety and D-xylosyl-D-fucose as the C-5 disaccharide moiety7'8). In the continued search for new antifungal compounds, a new strain of Actinomadura numbered R103-3 was originally discovered which produced pradimicin L. Based on taxonomic studies described in this paper, Actinomadura verrucosospora subsp. neohibisca subsp. nov. is proposed here for strain R103-3. Comparedwith knownpradimicin analogs, pradimicin L was found to differ by a distal D-glucose in the C-5 disaccharide moiety. Like pradimicins FA-1, FA-26) and BMS-1811849), pradimicin FL was produced by directed biosynthesis in D-serine-supplemented medium so that the D-alanine moiety of pradimicin L could be replaced by D-serine. This paper deals with the taxonomy of strain R103-3, structure elucidation of pradimicins L and FL and their antifungal evaluation.
Materials and MethodsTaxonomy