“…This generalised version of the spin-boson model [33,34] describes a vast range of physical contexts, including excitation energy transfer processes in molecular aggregates described by the Frenkel exciton Hamiltonian [35][36][37][38][39][40][41], the electronic occupation of a double quantum dot whose electronic dipole moment couples to the substrate phonons in a semi-conductor [42], an electronic, nuclear or effective spin exposed to a magnetic field and interacting with an (anisotropic) phononic, electronic or magnonic environment [43][44][45][46][47], and a plethora of other aspects of quantum dots, ultracold atomic impurities, and superconducting circuits [48][49][50][51]. In all these contexts, an effective 'spin' S interacts with an environment, where S is a vector of operators (with units of angular momentum) whose components fulfil the angular momentum commutation relations [S j , S k ] = ih l ϵ jkl S l with j, k, l ∈ {x, y, z}.…”