The magnetically charged SU(2) Reissner-Nordström black-hole solutions of the coupled nonlinear Einstein-Yang-Mills field equations are known to be characterized by infinite spectra of unstable (imaginary) resonances {ωn(r+, r−)} n=∞ n=0 (here r± are the black-hole horizon radii). Based on direct numerical computations of the black-hole instability spectra, it has recently been observed that the excited instability eigenvalues of the magnetically charged black holes exhibit a simple universal behavior. In particular, it was shown that the numerically computed instability eigenvalues of the magnetically charged black holes are characterized by the small frequency universal relation ωn(r+ − r−) = λn, where {λn} are dimensionless constants which are independent of the black-hole parameters. In the present paper we study analytically the instability spectra of the magnetically charged SU(2) Reissner-Nordström black holes. In particular, we provide a rigorous analytical proof for the numerically-suggested universal behavior ωn(r+ − r−) = λn in the small frequency ωnr+ ≪ (r+ − r−)/r+ regime. Interestingly, it is shown that the excited black-hole resonances are characterized by the simple universal relation ωn+1/ωn = e −2π/ √ 3 . Finally, we confirm our analytical results for the black-hole instability spectra with numerical computations.