Ash and slag wastes are man-made mineral formations that are produced in large quantities and pose a serious environmen-tal hazard. On the other hand, it is a valuable mineral raw material for the production of various materials, housing, road, agri-cultural and industrial construction, agriculture, mining and oil industries. In accordance with the stated goal, foreign and Ukrainian experience in processing ash waste from thermal power plants was studied. The experience of ash and slag waste processing in world practice is analyzed. The factors preventing the large-scale use of ash and slag materials in Ukraine and the necessary measures to increase recycling volumes have been identified. Successful examples of the use of ash and slag in countries around the world are summarized. Promising directions for using ash and slag waste as additional raw materials have been identified. Thanks to the use of ash and slag materials, significant cost savings will be achieved compared to tradi-tional options using natural raw materials. With existing methods of use and available technologies, ash and slag wastes be-come valuable materials that are used in road construction and in the production of: cement, concrete (heavy, porous, heat-resistant), reinforced concrete products and structures, bricks, lightweight aggregates for concrete, dry construction mixtures, asphalt concrete mixtures, etc., thermal insulation, abrasives, roofing materials, ceramic tiles. In Ukraine, road construction using ash and slag materials is being successfully implemented. The direction of selling microspheres (cenospheres) of fly ash on export markets is developing. Aluminosilicate microspheres are widely used in construction, oil, gas, chemical industries and other industries. The production of building materials is the main material base of the country's construction complex and has a significant impact on the pace of economic development. Ukraine can achieve a higher level of use of ash and slag waste thanks to a balanced environmental and economic policy. For this, it is necessary: to develop standards for ash and slag products; launch a system of "green" public procurement; to initiate the implementation of the cement concrete road construc-tion program; apply financial instruments to stimulate waste processing; increase the rent for the extraction of crushed stone and sand; to approve the mechanism for compensating costs for the transportation ash and slag waste by rail. This will make it possible to obtain a significant profit from the sale of ash and slag waste processing products and significantly improve the ecological condition of the territories.