“…Nondestructive inspection of the Takashi HONDA*, Takuya FUKAHORI*, Toshihide IGARI*, Yasuharu CHUMAN*, Takumi TOKIYOSHI* and Alan CF COCKS** surface and subsurface of pipe welds is carried out to examine the current damage, such as the cavity density, and the results are employed to guide simulation-based predictions. Several approaches can be taken in terms of damage simulation for Type IV failure, such as: continuum mechanics together with the stress-based time fraction or the ductility fraction of the material; creep fracture mechanics using the C* parameter (Yatomi et al, 2003, Segle et al, 2000; creep cavitation mechanics assuming diffusion (Rice, 1981); use of a grain boundary-resistance model (Fukahori, et al, 2013; and/or damage mechanics (Hyde et al, 2003, Yao et al, 2007. It remains difficult, however, to determine an optimal method for expressing both the microscopic and macroscopic phenomena of actual Type IV damage.…”