Surfactants (i.e., solutes that reduce the surface tension of water) exist in the subsurface either naturally or are introduced to the subsurface due to anthropogenic activities (e.g., agricultural purposes, environmental remediation strategies). Surfactant-induced changes in surface tension, contact angle, density, and viscosity alter the water retention and conduction properties of the vadose zone. This research numerically investigates the effects of surfactants in the vadose zone by comparing the flow and transport of three different surfactant solutions, namely butanol, ethanol, and Triton X-100. For each surfactant case, surfactant-specific concentration-dependent surface tension, contact angle, density, and viscosity relationships were incorporated by modifying a finite element unsaturated flow and transport code. The modified code was used to simulate surfactant infiltration in the vadose zone at residual state under intermittent boundary conditions. The modelling results show that all three surfactant solutions led to unique and noteworthy differences in comparison to the infiltration of pure water containing a conservative tracer. Results indicate that surfactant infiltrations led to complex patterns with reduced vertical movement and enhanced horizontal spreading, which are a function of concentration-dependent surface tension, density, contact angle, viscosity and sorption characteristics. The findings of this research will help understanding the effects of surfactant presence in the subsurface on unsaturated flow and its possible links to future environmental problems.