This paper investigates the combustion regimes that are present in inlet-fueled, low compression scramjets. Injection of fuel in the inlet allows mixing to take place prior to ignition, and permits the fuel plumes to interact with strong shocks and rarefactions at the combustor entrance, which accelerates the mixing process. Consequently, the combustion is partially premixed. Wall-modeled large-eddy simulations (WMLES) are used to accurately resolve or model the turbulent flow structures occurring during the supersonic combustion process. Based on the WMLES data, spatial distributions of turbulent and chemical time scales can be extracted and used to determine the representative turbulent Damköhler and Reynolds numbers. The collective WMLES data is visualized using the Williams diagram, which shows that a wide range of combustion regimes are present throughout the supersonic combustion process.
NomenclatureDa t Turbulent Damköhler number H Altitude, m J Momentum flux ratio Ka Karlovitz number k Turbulence kinetic energy, J/kg l 0 Integral length scale, m l c Chemical length scale, m l δ Reaction zone length scale, m M Mach numbeṙ m Mass flow rate, kg/s p Pressure, Pa q Dynamic pressure, Pa R N Leading edge radius, m Re t Turbulent Reynolds number Re u Unit Reynolds number s L Flame speed, m/s T Temperature, K u Velocity, m/s Turbulent dissipation, J/(kg s) η Kolmogorov length scale, m ν Laminar kinematic viscosity, m 2 /s τ c Chemical time scale, s τ δ Reaction zone time scale, s * PhD Student, School of Mechanical and Mining Enginieering, University of Queensland, Student Member AIAA.