Проблемы и перспективы систем охлаждения с термоакустическим приводом
ru The Scientifi c and Educational Center for Gas Dynamic ResearchThe article deals with different design schemes of thermoacoustic refrigerators (TAR) driven by a thermoacoustic engine (TAE) on a standing or traveling wave. Numerical models of such heat-driven engines based on TAE with an external heat supply were developed by Delta EC software, which, based on linear thermoacoustics theory, is now the standard in developing thermoacoustic engines of direct and reverse cycle. For the obtained TAE capacity dependencies based on the fi xed design dimensions the ways of TAE boosting were investigated with respect to general workfl ow in refrigerating circle. Comparative evaluation based on TAE capacity parameters and available scientifi c data from literature review proves the prospects for the use of heat-driven systems with thermoacoustic engine.