Choose a smooth three-dimensional manifold Σ that is smoothly foliated by topological two-spheres, and also a smooth flow on Σ such that the integral curves of it intersect the leaves of the foliation precisely once. Choose also a smooth Riemannian three-metric h ij on Σ such that the area of the foliating level sets is strictly increasing. Then, by altering suitably the lapse and shift of the flow but keeping the two-metrics induced on the leaves of the foliation fixed a large variety of Riemannian three-geometries is constructed on Σ such that the foliation, we started with, gets to be a smooth generalized inverse mean curvature foliation, the prescribed flow turns out to be a generalized inverse mean curvature flow. All this is done such that the scalar curvature of the constructed three-geometries is not required to be non-negative. Furthermore, each of the yielded Riemannian three-spaces is such that the Geroch energy is non-decreasing, and a quasi-local comparison of the surface area and the Geroch energy is also derived, which, whenever a minimal surface exists on Σ reduces to a quasi-local form of the Penrose inequality. If the metric h ij we started with is asymptotically flat the constructed three-geometries will be so, and besides the positive energy theorem, if, in addition, a minimal surface exists on Σ the conventional global form of the Penrose inequality also holds. * This is a written up version of a lecture given on 5th December 2019 at Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm as part of the ongoing scientific program "General Relativity, Geometry and Analysis: beyond the first 100 years after Einstein".