Since the introduction of the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) in 2006, the number of students taking up the qualification has increased dramatically. The research aspect of the activity allows students to develop independent study skills, which are beneficial for subsequent work at University, especially if the EPQ involves rigorous academic content developed over an extended period. Our Epidemiology of Eyam project has provided a rich seam of material for extended study, which has so far engaged a great many of the students at Winchester College. We hope that it will continue to engage students at Winchester, and elsewhere, as the study develops. Importantly, this project generates opportunities for interdisciplinary research. There is scope for collaborative work across subjects including the physical and biological sciences, mathematics and economics. Whereas our previous paper [4] set the contextual scene and provided an introduction to calculus and associated numerical techniques, in this article we demonstrate that the elegant work in infectious disease epidemiology from the first half of the twentieth century [1,2,3] can be presented in an accessible way to pre-university students, providing them with a powerful context to delve into interesting problems and incentivising the acquisition of more advanced methods and skills. The techniques we employ to analyse data from the Eyam plague outbreaks of the 1660s can also be used with data from modern day epidemics, as we show in the context of the 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa [6,11,12,13]. To permit our results to be replicated and extended by students, the computational work can be achieved using nothing more than a standard issue calculator and a spreadsheet, though as in previous papers [4,5] we show this project can be more fully explored if a student implements their mathematical recipes in a programming environment such as MATLAB. To this end we have developed an intuitive software tool that can enable an epidemiological model to be rapidly fitted to field data. From a time series of Infective population for the 2014 Liberia Ebola epidemic [6] we can predict Infective It , Susceptible () St and Dead () Dt populations, calculate the associated population N , calculate the Kendall Susceptible threshold , and hence the Basic Reproduction Number 0 RN . For the Liberia Ebola data, these are: 0 2542, 1373, 1.85 NR . Note this suggests that out of an 'at risk' population of 2542 N , about 75% may ultimately die of Ebola. In the WHO Ebola Response Team report [15], 0 1.83 0.11 R for the 2014 Liberia outbreak.