This letter reports experimental and numerical results on particle dynamics in an out-ofequilibrium granular medium. We observed two distinct types of grain motion: the well known cage motion , during which a grain is always surrounded by the same neighbors, and low probability jumps, during which a grain moves significantly more relative to the others. These observations are similar to the results obtained for other out-of-equilibrium systems (glasses, colloidal systems, etc.). Although such jumps are extremely rare, by inhibiting them in numerical simulations we demonstrate that they play a significant role in the relaxation of out-of-equilibrium systems.PACS numbers: 45.70.-n,81.05 Glasses, colloids, and granular materials are characterized by structural disorder at the mesoscopic scale. These heterogeneous and metastable systems share a number of dynamical properties such as aging and slow relaxation, in which the cage motion of individual grains plays a significant role. Many experimental and numerical efforts have been made to observe and understand the out-of-equilibrium behavior exhibited by these systems [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]. A full understanding of the macroscopic behaviors of these systems requires detailed observations at the local scale (i.e. at the scale of a particle). The local dynamics in glasses is numerically simulated with Lennard-Jones liquids and the motion of atoms can be correlated to the α and β relaxation regimes [6]. Similar observations are obtained experimentally on colloidal systems using confocal microscopy [4], granular media in 2D [3], or 3D granular assemblies immersed in index matching fluid [7]. For all theses systems, the cage effect is clearly identified. Here we present an extensive experimental and numerical study of particle motion in 3D granular packing under gentle vertical tapping. Although this system is not thermal (its thermal energy is irrelevant in comparison with the energy needed to move a macroscopic grain), it is often presented as an ideal system to study out-of-equilibrium systems. From a microscopic point of view, this analogy is based on the idea that the geometry of the grains plays a major role, similar to geometrical frustration in thermal glasses. Indeed, like glasses, a granular assembly can be trapped in a metastable configuration unless an external perturbation such as shear or vibration is applied. Note that, unlike thermal energy, mechanical agitation of grains is, in general, neither stochastic nor isotropic. We expect, as others have found [2,3,7,9,10,11,12], that the results obtained are valid for any of the above mentioned out-of-equilibrium systems. Let us recall that when a dense granular sample is submitted to gentle external mechanical perturbations, its packing fraction Φ increases quickly at the beginning, then gradually approaches an asymptotic value. This slow compaction is similar to the slow dynamics observed in other out-of-equilibrium systems [2, 10, 13].The experimental results presented in the first part of this Letter are obtain...