The present study focuses on heat transfer in ventilated caves for which
the airflow is driven by the temperature contrast between the cave and
the external atmosphere. We use a numerical model that couples the
convective heat transfer due to the airflow in a single karst conduit
with the conductive heat transfer in the rock mass. Assuming dry air and
a simplified geometry, we investigate the propagation of thermal
perturbations inside the karst massif. We perform a parametric study to
identify general trends regarding the effect of the air flowrate and
conduit size on the amplitude and spatial extent of thermal
perturbations. Numerical results support the partition of a cave into
three regions: (1) a short (few meters) diffusive region, where heat
mainly propagates from the external atmosphere by conduction in the rock
mass; (2) a convective region where heat is mainly transported by the
air flow; (3) a deep karst region characterized by quasi-constant
temperatures throughout the year. An estimation of the length of the
convective region is proposed and compared to field data from a mine
tunnel and two caves. Our results provide first estimates to identify
climate sensitive regions for speleothem science and/or ecosystemic