[1] The incremental caldera collapses of Fernandina (1968), Miyakejima (2000), and Piton de la Fournaise (2007) are analyzed in order to understand the collapse dynamics in basaltic setting and the associated edifice deformation. For each caldera, the collapse dynamics is assessed through the evolution of the (1) time interval T between two successive collapse increments, (2) amount of vertical displacement during each collapse increment, and (3) magma outflow rate during the whole collapse caldera process. We show from the evolution of T that Piton de la Fournaise and Fernandina were characterized by a similar collapse dynamics, despite large differences in the caldera geometry and the duration of the whole collapse caldera process. This evolution significantly differs from that of Miyakejima where T strongly fluctuated throughout the whole collapse process. Quantification of the piston vertical displacements enables us to determine the magma outflow rates between each collapse increment. Displacement data (tiltmeter and/or GPS) for Piton de la Fournaise and Miyakejima are used to constrain the edifice overall deformation and the edifice deformation rates. These data reveal that both volcanoes experienced edifice inflation once the piston collapsed into the magma chamber. Such a deformation, which lasts during the first collapse increments only, is interpreted as the result of larger volume of piston intruded in the magma chamber than magma withdrawn before each collapse increment. Once the effect of the collapsing rock column vanishes, edifice deflates. We also determine for each caldera the critical amount of magma evacuated before collapse initiation and compare it to analog models. The significant differences between models and nature are explained by the occurrence of preexisting weak zones in nature, i.e., the ring faults, that are not taken into account in analog models. Finally, we show that T at Piton de la Fournaise and Fernandina was equally controlled by the frictional resistance along the ring faults and the magma outflow rate. In addition to these two parameters, the collapse dynamics of Miyakejima was also influenced by variations of the magma bulk modulus, which changed after the influx of deep gas-rich magma into the collapse-related magma chamber. Altogether, our results show that the dynamics of caldera collapse in basaltic volcanoes proceeds in two phases: Phase 1, starting with the first collapse, is characterized by the largest collapse amplitude, an incremental edifice inflation, and a step-by-step increase of the rate of magma outflow. Phase 2 shows a rapid decrease of the magma discharge rate to a low level concomitant with the continuous edifice deflation. If deep magma is injected into the magma chamber, as at Miyakejima, an additional phase occurs (phase 3).Citation: Michon, L., F. Massin, V. Famin, V. Ferrazzini, and G. Roult (2011), Basaltic calderas: Collapse dynamics, edifice deformation, and variations of magma withdrawal,