The petrography and geochemistry of zircon offers an exciting opportunity to better understand the genesis of, as well as identify pathfinders for, large magmatic-hydrothermal ore systems. Electron probe microanalysis, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) imaging, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry STEM mapping/spot analysis were combined to characterize Proterozoic granitic zircon in the eastern Gawler Craton, South Australia. Granites from the~1.85 Ga Donington Suite and~1.6 Ga Hiltaba Suite were selected from locations that are either mineralized or not, with the same style of iron-oxide copper gold (IOCG) mineralization. Although Donington Suite granites are host to mineralization in several prospects, only Hiltaba Suite granites are considered "fertile" in that their emplacement at~1.6 Ga is associated with generation of one of the best metal-endowed IOCG provinces on Earth. Crystal oscillatory zoning with respect to non-formula elements, notably Fe and Cl, are textural and chemical features preserved in zircon, with no evidence for U or Pb accumulation relating to amorphization effects. Bands with Fe and Ca show mottling with respect to chloro-hydroxy-zircon nanoprecipitates. Lattice defects occur along fractures crosscutting such nanoprecipitates indicating fluid infiltration post-mottling. Lattice stretching and screw dislocations leading to expansion of the zircon structure are the only nanoscale structures attributable to self-induced irradiation damage. These features increase in abundance in zircons from granites hosting IOCG mineralization, including from the world-class Olympic Dam Cu-U-Au-Ag deposit. The nano-to micron-scale features documented reflect interaction between magmatic zircon and corrosive Fe-Cl-bearing fluids in an initial metasomatic event that follows magmatic crystallization and immediately precedes deposition of IOCG mineralization. Quantification of α-decay damage that could relate zircon alteration to the first percolation point in zircon gives~100 Ma, a time interval that cannot be reconciled with the 2-4 Ma period between magmatic crystallization and onset of hydrothermal fluid flow. Crystal oscillatory zoning and nanoprecipitate mottling in zircon intensify with proximity to mineralization and represent a potential pathfinder to locate fertile granites associated with Cu-Au mineralization.Minerals 2019, 9, 364 3 of 34 followed by partial to complete recrystallization. The amorphous domains begin to interconnect due to the radiation damage (α-decay), over a time period determined by U/Th concentrations and annealing rates [16]. The time dependency of structural damage is highly relevant for geochronology, as it can result in discordance of the U-Pb system, most commonly through Pb-loss. Disturbances to zircon U-Pb systematics via metamictization can, however, be selectively eliminated by chemical abrasion of damaged zones, prior to ID-TIMS, permitting high-precisio...