The results of studies by solving the inverse thermal conductivity problem of the heat capacity of evaporator of the short linear heat pipes (HP's) with a Laval nozzle-liked vapour channel and intended for cooling spacecraft and satellites with strict take-off mass regulation are presented. Mathematical formulation of the inverse problem for the HP's thermal conductivity in onedimensional coordinate system is accompanied by the measurement results using the monotonic heating method in a vacuum adiabatic calorimeter the HP's surface temperatures along the longitudinal axis over the entire temperature load range, thermal resistance, and arrays of thermal power data on the evaporator Q ev and vortex flow calorimeter Q cond for the condensation surface allow us to estimate the average value of the evaporator heat capacity C ev by solving the inverse thermal conductivity problem in the HP's evaporator region. Since at the beginning of working fluid boiling for a certain time interval, the temperature of the capillary-porous evaporator remains close to constant, and with the continuation of heating and by solving the inverse thermal conductivity problem, it becomes possible to calculate the heat capacity of the working evaporator and the evaporation specific heat of the boiling working fluid and compare it with the table values.