-Pultrusion is one of several manufacturing processes for reinforced polymer composites. In this process fibers are continuously pulled through a resin bath and, after impregnation, the fiber-resin assembly is cured in a heated forming die. In order to obtain a polymeric composite with good properties (high and uniform degree of cure) and a process with a minimum of wasted energy, an optimization procedure is necessary to calculate the optimal temperature profile. The present work suggests a new strategy to minimize the energy rate taking into account the final quality of the product. For this purpose the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and the computer code DASSL were used to solve the differential algebraic equation that represents the mathematical model. The results of the optimization procedure were compared with results reported in the literature and showed that this strategy may be a good alternative to find the best operational point and to test other heat policies in order to improve the material quality and minimize the energy cost. In addition, the robustness and fast convergence of the algorithm encourage industrial implementation for the inference of the degree of cure and optimization.