A bst r act .T he behaviour of an incompressible dielect ric liquid subject ed t o a laminar planar Couet t e ow wit h unipolar charge inject ion is invest igat ed numerically in two dimensions. T he comput at ions show new morphological charact erist ics of roll st ruct ures t hat arise in t his forced elect ro-convect ion problem. T he charge and velocity magnit ude dist ribut ions between t he two parallel elect rodes are discussed as a funct ion of t he t op wall velocity and t he EHD Rayleigh number, T for t he case of st rong charge inject ion. A wide enough paramet ric space is invest igat ed such t hat t he observed EHD roll st ruct ures progress t hrough t hree regimes. T hese regimes are de ned by t he presence of a single or double-roll free convect ive st ruct ure as observed elsewhere [1], a sheared or st ret ched roll st ruct ure, and nally by a regime where t he perpendicular velocity gradient is su cient t o prevent t he generat ion of a roll. T hese t hree regimes have been delineat ed as a funct ion of t he wall t o ionic drift velocity U W = E , and t he T number. In t he st ret ched regime, an increase in U W = E can reduce charge and moment um uct uat ions whilst in parallel de-st rat ify charge in t he region between t he two elect rodes. T he st ret ched roll regime is also charact erised by a subst ant ial in uence of U W = E on t he st eady development t ime, however in t he t radit ional non-st ret ched roll st ruct ure regime, no in uence of U W = E on t he development t ime is not ed.