This paper presents the experimental results of shaking table tests on two prototypes, made of unreinforced and confined masonry material, carried out at the laboratory of ENEA, Casaccia, Rome. The mock-ups have the same small-scale geometry, characterized by a rectangular plan of about 3.00 × 3.50 m in dimensions and a total height of about 4.00 m. The building models have two levels, in which three facades have openings not centered on both levels, while the fourth one results as a plane masonry wall. The two rigid floors are made of concrete/brickworks and steel for the first and second level, respectively. For both models, the dynamic tests have been carried out for increasing levels of seismic intensity applied at the base of the models in the three spatial components. The accelerations data recorded during the earthquake occurred in Norcia (Italy) on October 30th 2016 have been used as input. The building models have been instrumented with 10 uni-axial MEMS accelerometers, three sensors per-storey deployed in each plane in horizontal directions and one vertical direction installed at the base). The paper highlights the comparison between the two models performance, especially in terms of the response acceleration data and the damage state. 315 COMPDYN 2019 7 th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering M. Papadrakakis, M. Fragiadakis (eds.