1 Uni ver sity of War saw, De part ment of Phys ics, In sti tute of Geo phys ics, Pasteura 7, 02-093 Warszawa, Po land Misiura, K., Czechowski, L., Witek, P., Bendiukova, A., 2016. The for ma tion of sin gle-chan nel and mul ti ple-chan nel rivers on large slopes. Geo log i cal Quar terly, 60 (4): 981-989, doi: 10.7306/gq.1330 We in ves ti gated the for ma tion of dif fer ent types of rivers de pend ing on slope, to tal dis charge, and grain size. Cal cu la tions were per formed us ing nu mer i cal pack age CCHE2D, de vel oped by the Na tional Cen ter for Com pu ta tional Hydroscience and En gi neer ing. The model is based on the Navier-Stokes equa tions for depth-in te grated two-di men sional tur bu lent flow and the three-di men sional con vec tion-dif fu sion equa tion of sed i ment trans port. For each model we use the same river ge om e try, sus pended load con cen tra tion, and bedload trans port rate. We dis tin guish three types of rivers us ing two meth ods for clas sifi ca tion (sin gle-chan nel, mul ti ple-chan nels and tran si tional). We found that the trend line for tran si tional rivers is an in creasing func tion of Q in space (Q, d) and that for large S the num ber of mul ti chan nel rivers de creases.Key words: river clas si fi ca tion, mul ti ple-chan nel rivers, sin gle-chan nel rivers, sed i men ta tion.