The offshore wind turbine single pile foundation structure is simple and easy to install, but in the earthquake environment, large horizontal displacement is easy to occur, which affects the safe operation of offshore wind turbines. For this reason, the bearing characteristics and influencing factors of large-diameter single-pile offshore wind power under earthquake load are analyzed. The Mohr-Coulomb model is used as the model. The ABAQUS is used to construct the large-scale single-pile finite element model of offshore wind power. Loads and analysis of bearing characteristics and influencing factors of large-diameter single-pile offshore wind power under seismic loading. It is found that the increase of pile foundation depth will significantly reduce the horizontal displacement at the top of single pile. After increasing to a certain extent, it has no significant effect on the development of horizontal deformation of large diameter single pile; with the increase of pile diameter and wall thickness, The deformation of large diameter single pile foundation is reduced, but the influence of the pile foundation thickness on the horizontal deformation of the large diame-ter single pile foundation is no longer significant.