A Lagrangian compatible radiation hydrodynamic algorithm and the nuclear dynamics computing module are developed and implemented in the LARED Integration code, which is a radiation hydrodynamic code based on the 2-D cylindrical coordinates for the numerical simulation of the indirect-drive Inertial Confined Fusion. A number of 1-D and 2-D ignition implosion numerical simulations by using the improved LARED Integration code (ILARED) are presented which show that the 1-D numerical results are consistent with those computed by the 1-D radiation hydrodynamic code RDMG, while the simulation results of the 2-D low-mode radiative asymmetry and hydrodynamic instability growth, according to the physical analysis and anticipation, are satisfactory. The capsules driven by the sources from SGII experiments are also simulated by ILARED, and the fuel shapes agree well with the experimental results. The numerical simulations demonstrate that ILARED can be used in the simulation of the 1-D and 2-D ignition capsule implosion using the multi-group diffusion model for radiation.