This paper reviews the Magnetotelluric (MT) studies carried out in India during last five years. These MT field studies covered area, which includes Garhwal Himalaya, Sikkim Himalaya; Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP); Gujrat, Dharwar craton (DC), Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt (EGMB), North Singhbhum Mobile Belt (NSMB), Dalma basalts, Dharwar region, Central Indian Shear (CIS) zone, Narmada-Son Lineament (NSL), Cuddapah basin, Banaganapalli quartzites, Narji limestone, Koyna-Warna and 3D MT inversion software-AP3DMT. The field investigations aimed to delineate deep crustal structure, the basement depth geometry, resistivity structure in the Bhuj earthquake region, electrical resistivity characterization of Fault zones, mapping of geothermal source zone, lithosphere architecture. Software, AP3DMT-MATLAB code for 3D inversion of MT data was developed and tested. This code is made versatile and user friendly by an efficient use of MATLAB's inbuilt functions.