The work presents the absorption rate constant of ammonia into water using a station with spiralnozzles. In the research a station was employed with a chamber measuring 1 m x 1 m x 1 m withequipment enabling the regulation of ammonia concentration and nozzle operating parameters,as well as an ammonia concentration measurement system. In the first part of the research, thespraying characteristics of selected spiral nozzles were determined at pressures of 2 bar and 3 bar.For selected nozzle operating parameters, ammonia absorption tests were carried out at variousinitial concentration values: 250 ppm, 500 ppm, 1000 ppm. Based on the collected results, thenozzle characteristic p(Q), the distribution of the nozzle spray intensity in the SUFER program, theammonia concentration curve as a function of water supply time and the absorption rate constantwere determined.