Fracture expansion in rock masses can be observed by monitoring the break of contacts between the bounding particles via the discrete element method. The latter’s realization in this study via the PFC2D program tracked the evolution process of the zonal disintegration in an exemplary roadway-surrounding rock affected by mining. Besides, the damage evolution pattern in a high-stress soft rock roadway was simulated by the FLAC2D program using a strain-softening plastic model, revealing the effects of rock mass strength, stress state, and anchor support on the zonal disintegration of the roadway. Numerical simulation results show that in a roadway with high-level stress, the obvious fractures spread from the roadway surface to the depth of the surrounding rock along a series of geometric planes and cut the surrounding rock into rock mass blocks. Under high crustal stress, conjugate shear fractures occur near the roadway surfaces and form a closed-loop fractured zone after intersecting the conjugate fracture faces. The closed fractured zone becomes a free face, from which conjugate shear fractures develop, forming new closed fractured zones in the deep surrounding rock. By repeatedly generating the closed fracture zones, a fracture network appears in the roadway-surrounding rock. The development of zonal disintegration of roadway-surrounding rock mainly depends on the rock mass strength and its stress state. Zonal disintegration only occurs when the crustal stress of the roadway-surrounding rock exceeds its strength. When the horizontal stress is low and the vertical stress exceeds the rock mass strength, zonal disintegration only occurs on two sides of the roadway. When the vertical stress is low and the horizontal stress exceeds the rock’s mass strength, it only appears on the roof and floor. When the values of cohesion, internal friction angle, and tensile strength are reduced in the same proportion, cohesion has the greatest impact on the expansion of the zonal disintegration zone, followed by the internal friction angle, while the tensile strength effect is the least. In anchor-supported roadways undergoing zonal disintegration processes, the intact zone blocks slide relatively along the fracture surface during the process of loosening and deformation of the surrounding rock, making the anchor rods susceptible to tensile, shear, and bending actions.