To cite this version:Stéphane Balac, Fabrice Mahé. Embedded Runge-Kutta scheme for step-size control in the interaction picture method. Computer Physics Communications, Elsevier, 2013, 184 (4)
AbstractWhen solving certain evolution type PDE such as the Schrödinger equation, the Interaction Picture method is a valuable alternative to Split-Step methods. The Interaction Picture method has good computational features when used together with the standard 4th order Runge-Kutta scheme (giving rise to the RK4-IP method). In this paper we present an embedded Runge-Kutta scheme with orders 3 and 4with the aim to deliver an estimation of the local error for adaptive step-size control purposes in the Interaction Picture method. The corresponding ERK4(3)-IP method preserves the features of the RK4-IP method and provide a local error estimate at no significant extra cost.