This paper aims to measure peak temperatures and cooling rates for distinct locations of thermocouples in the butt weld joint of mild steel plates. For experimental measurement of peak temperatures, K-type thermocouples coupled with a data acquisition system were used at predetermined locations. Thereafter, Rosenthal’s analytical models for thin two-dimensional (2D) and thick three-dimensional (3D) plates were adopted to predict peak temperatures for different thermocouple positions. A finite element model (FEM) based on an advanced prescribed temperature approach was adopted to predict time-temperature history for predetermined locations of thermocouples.
Comparing experimental and Rosenthal analytical models (2D and 3D) findings show that predicted and measured peak temperatures are in close agreement, while cooling rates predicted by analytical models (2D, 3D) show significant variation from measured values. On the other hand, 3D FEM simulation predicted peak temperatures and cooling rates for different thermocouple positions are close to experimental findings.
The inclusion of filler metal during simulation of welding rightly replicates the real welding situation and improves outcomes of the analysis.
The present study is an original contribution to the field of welding technology.