The field synergy principle has three criteria to qualitatively describe the essence of convective heat transfer enhancement. However, in practice these criteria are difficult to be applied to convective heat transfer analysis, because there are no corresponding indicators available to quantitatively describe them. Based on these three criteria, a unified formula for the field synergy principle was developed in this study using probabilistic techniques, which is applicable to incompressible flows with constant properties in both laminar and turbulent flow regimes. The formula contains three categories of nondimensional indicators corresponding to the three criteria of the field synergy principle respectively, including domain-averaged cosine of synergy angle, the Pearson linear correlation coefficients between the scalar functions contained in the energy governing equation of convective heat transfer, and the variation coefficients of these functions. The physical meanings of these indicators for the field synergy principle and their connections with the known heat transfer enhancing mechanisms were then discussed. Based on the unified formula, an improved analytical system for the field synergy principle was proposed, which allows an efficient and quantitative analysis of all single-phase constant-property convective heat transfer phenomena. This new system overcomes the limitation of the conventional field synergy analytical system that mainly analyzes the convective heat transfer mechanism from the perspective of synergy angle.