We present a numerical method for iterative computation of electron optical systems influenced by space charge with an improved accuracy in the same calculation time. We replace the common algorithm for evaluating the space charge distribution with a new one based on the calculation of the current density distribution from an aberration polynomial. We introduce a re-meshing algorithm which adapts the mesh used for the field calculation by the finite element method in each iteration to the actual space charge distribution to keep it sufficiently fine in all areas with non-zero space charge.
IntroductionAll electrons in the electron-optical system generally interact with each other. These repulsions affect the electron trajectories and the presence of the electrons itself alters the electrostatic field in the system. The significance of this effect grows with the total current in the system. It is not computationally feasible to simulate the interaction between each pair of electrons in the beam in most cases. The standard approximation uses the concept of space charge based on the collective effect. The space charge is a time invariant charge distribution corresponding to the actual current density distribution in the system. The space charge distribution generates a new electrostatic field in the system, leading to a new current density distribution, which allows performing a self-consistent computation [1].