Ground-based facilities, such as clinostats and random positioning machines aiming at simulating microgravity conditions, are tools to prepare space experiments and identify gravity-related signaling pathways. A prerequisite is that the facilities are operated in an appropriate manner and potentially induced non-gravitational effects, such as shearing forces, have to be taken into account. Dinoflagellates, here P. noctiluca, as fast and sensitive reporter system for shear stress and hydrodynamic gradients, were exposed on a clinostat (constant rotation around one axis, 60 rpm) or in a random positioning machine, that means rotating around two axes, whose velocity and direction were chosen at random. Deformation of the cell membrane of P. noctiluca due to shear stress results in a detectable bioluminescence emission. Our results show that the amount of mechanical stress is higher on an random positioning machine than during constant clinorotation, as revealed by the differences in photon counts. We conclude that one axis clinorotation induced negligible non-gravitational effects in the form of shear forces in contrast to random operation modes tested. For the first time, we clearly visualized the device-dependent occurrence of shear forces by means of a bioassay, which have to be considered during the definition of an appropriate simulation approach and to avoid misinterpretation of results.