Abstract. A measurable function µ on the unit disk D of the complex plane with µ ∞ < 1 is sometimes called a Beltrami coefficient. We say that µ is trivial if it is the complex dilatation fz/f z of a quasiconformal automorphism f of D satisfying the trivial boundary condition f (z) = z, |z| = 1. Since it is not easy to solve the Beltrami equation explicitly, to detect triviality of a given Beltrami coefficient is a hard problem, in general. In the present article, we offer a sufficient condition for a Beltrami coefficient to be trivial. Our proof is based on Betker's theorem on Löwner chains.
IntroductionLet k be a number with 0on Ω. If k is not specified, f is simply called quasiconformal. It is well known that a homeomorphism f is k-quasiconformal if and only if f is ACL (Absolutely Continuous on Lines), i.e., f (x+ iy) is absolutely continuous in x for almost every (a.e.) y and absolutely continuous in y for a.e.