This work presents efficient solution techniques for radiative transfer in the smoothed particle hydrodynamics discretization. Two choices that impact efficiency are how the material and radiation energy are coupled, which determines the number of iterations needed to converge the emission source, and how the radiation diffusion equation is solved, which must be done in each iteration. The coupled material and radiation energy equations are solved using an inexact Newton iteration scheme based on nonlinear elimination, which reduces the number of Newton iterations needed to converge within each time step. During each Newton iteration, the radiation diffusion equation is solved using Krylov iterative methods with a multigrid preconditioner, which abstracts and optimizes much of the communication when running in parallel. The code is verified for an infinite medium problem, a one-dimensional Marshak wave, and a two and three-dimensional manufactured problem, and exhibits first-order convergence in time and second-order convergence in space. For these problems, the number of iterations needed to converge the inexact Newton scheme and the diffusion equation are independent of the number of spatial points and the number of processors.