Using the regularization theory for improperly posed problems, we discuss object restoration beyond the diffraction limit in the presence of noise. Only the case of one-dimensional coherent objects is considered. We focus attention on the estimation of the error on the restored objects, and we show that, in most realistic cases, it is at best proportional to an inverse power of I In t l, where E is the error on the data (logarithmic continuity). Finally we suggest the extension of this result to other inverse problems.Let us consider an ideal, diffraction-limited, spaceinvariant imaging system and a one-dimensional, coherent object f, identically zero outside the interval (-1,1). Its noiseless image is given by Af, where A is the linear integral operator,The quantity d = 7r/c is the Rayleigh-resolution distance. To restore the object, one has to invert the operator A. As is known, this problem is improperly posed. When the image is known only approximately, we have numerical instability. Hence, in order to control error propagation, one has to introduce a priori constraints (as far as possible of physical origin) that restrict the class of admitted solutions. This is the concept of regularization of Tikhonov. Its importance for the practical solution of linear inverse problems has been emphasized by many authors.'-5 Various regularization methods have been proposed.6-1 0 They are essentially equivalent, but most of them overlook the problem of obtaining precise estimates on error propagation: usually the stability of the regularized solution is tested only numerically.'-3 ' 7 Our aim is to focus on error valuation, and therefore we shall use regularization in a formulation of Miller, 9 which is particularly suited for deriving stability estimates. In order to formulate our problem more precisely, we have to introduce suitable functional spaces for the solutions and for the data. Now, if the object fis taken to have finite energy, then it belongs to L 2 (-1,1) (hereafter abbreviated as L 2 ). We denote by (fig) the scalar product of two functions of L 2 , i.e.,where g* is the complex conjugate of g, and by lIf 0 = (ff)112 the L 2 norm of f. Moreover, we suppose that the optical image is observed in the interval (-1,1) so that we can again take L 2 as data space. If g denotes a noisy image corresponding to the object f, then we assume that g = Af + n, where n is an L2 function describing any kind of additive noise and errors. This particular model is unrealistic; nonetheless it is the only one found usable to date. 1 ' Obviously n is not known. However, we assume an upper bound for its L 2 norm, i.e., 11 n 11 < e. Besides, according to Miller,9 we assume that the additional information on the object f (which is required in order to get numerical stability) may be expressed by means of a constraint operator B as follows: IIBf 11 < E, where E is a known constant.Thus we have:The simplest choice for B is B = 1 (the identity operator).t 2 A4$8 Then, in object restoration, condition (3b) means that we assume an upper b...