We consider replicated O(N ) symmetry in two dimensions within the exact framework of scale invariant scattering theory and determine the lines of renormalization group fixed points in the limit of zero replicas corresponding to quenched disorder. A global pattern emerges in which the different critical lines are located within the same parameter space. Within the subspace corresponding to the pure case (no disorder) we show how the critical lines for non-intersecting loops (−2 ≤ N ≤ 2) are connected to the zero temperature critical line (N > 2) via the BKT line at N = 2. Disorder introduces two more parameters, one of which vanishes in the pure limit and is maximal for the solutions corresponding to Nishimori-like and zero temperature critical lines. Emergent superuniversality (i.e. N -independence) of some critical exponents in the disordered case and disorder driven renormalization group flows are also discussed.For the permutational symmetry S q , characteristic of the q-state Potts model, this exploration was performed in [6] and revealed new results. In particular, the maximal value of q allowing for a fixed point was found to be 1 5.56.., instead of the previously expected value 4. This leaves room for a second order phase transition in a q = 5 antiferromagnet for which lattice candidates exist [8,9]. A line of fixed points with q = 3 and central charge 1 was also predicted for which a lattice realization has recently been found [10].A further, particularly remarkable feature of the scale invariant scattering formalism in two dimensions is that it extends to the problem of quenched disorder [11], i.e. to those "random" fixed points that had seemed out of reach for exact methods. In particular, for the random bond Potts model it was then possible to see analytically for the first time the softening of the phase transition by disorder above q = 4 [11], a phenomenon expected on rigorous grounds [12] (see also [13]). Quite unexpected was instead the emergence of a mechanism allowing for the q-independence of the correlation length critical exponent ν, with the magnetization exponent β remaining q-dependent [11]. This phenomenon of partial superuniversality finally accounts for the evidence emerged from a variety of investigations [14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22] that ν does not show any appreciable deviation from the value 1 up to q = ∞.Recently [23] we have shown how the scale invariant scattering approach can be applied to the O(N ) vector model with quenched disorder and gives global and exact access to a pattern of fixed points that previously had been the object of perturbative (for weak disorder) [24] and numerical [25] studies. In this paper we give all the solutions of the fixed point equations (table 1 below) and discuss their physical properties. In particular, we show how the critical lines parametrized by N are located with respect to each other in the space of parameters. This is interesting already for the case without disorder ("pure"), for which we exhibit how the passage from the critical lines fo...