This study investigates the influence of softening in the heat affected zone of welds and the constraint effect on the transverse tensile strength of amicroalloyed,thermomechanicallycontrolled processed (TMCP) high strength steel grade. The welding was performed by MAG-Puls with three different levels ofenergy input to establish soft zones with varied extensions. Furthermore the thickness of the samples was reduced by milling to investigate the constraint effect at increased ratios of width of the soft zone to thickness on the transverse tensile strength of the welds. Although this modern steel is based on different conceptsand shows significantly different behaviour, (also with respect to weldability), in comparison to with classical quenched and tempered (QT) steels, it was found in this work that the established criteriafor the restriction of the soft zone width still can be applied.
APSTRAKTU ovoj studiji se istražuje uticaj omekšavanja u zoni uticaja toplote zavarenog spoja i efekta ograničenja na poprečnu zateznu čvrstoću, mikrolegiranih, termomehanički kontrolisanim postupcima obrađenih (TMCP) čelika povišene črstoće. Zavarivanje je sprovedeno pomoću MAG/MIG impulsnog postupka sa tri različita nivoa unosa energije kako bi se stvorile meke zone sa različitim izduženjima. Šta više, debljina uzoraka je smanjena glodanjem da bi se istražio efekat ograničenja pri rastućem odnosu širine meke zone i debljine, na poprečnu zateznu čvrstoću zavarenog spoja. Mada su ovi moderni čelici zasnovani na različitim konceptima i pokazuju značajno različito ponašanje (takođe i vezano za zavarljivost) u poređenju sa klasičnim kaljenim i otpuštenim (QT) čelicima, ustanovljeno je da se uspostavljeni kriterijumi za ograničenje širine meke zone još uvek mogu primeniti.