The increase in losses in the inlet device leads to an increase in specific fuel consumption. When integrating the inlet device and the propeller or propfan, it is necessary to take into consideration their interaction to ensure the maximum efficiency of the power plant. The object of this study is a coaxial propfan with the channel of the inlet device. The results reported here are of practical value: a methodology for designing a bucket S-shaped channel of the inlet device of a power plant with a turboprop engine has been developed. The dependence of the coefficient of preservation of the total pressure of the inlet device on the height and speed of flight was obtained, which makes it possible to take into consideration the influence of the propfan of a turboprop engine. A comparison of the characteristics of the ring-type and bucket S-shaped channel of the inlet device of the power plant with the turboprop engine was carried out. Specifically, it was found that the change in flight conditions has a less significant effect on the change in the coefficient of preservation of the total pressureof the ring-typeinlet device than the bucket one. A comparative assessment of the obtained results of mathematical modeling of the flow in the bucket S-shaped channel of the inlet device, taking into account the influence of the propfan, with the results of flight tests of the ring-type inlet device of the prototype is given. The comparative evaluation shows that the use of a bucket inlet device, instead of a ring-type inlet device, makes it possible to increase the full pressure recovery factor by 5–7 %. Thus, there is reason to argue that replacing the ring-type with a bucket inlet device will minimize hydraulic losses at the inlet to the engine and reduce the uneven flow at the inlet. That, in turn, will improve engine efficiency.