We consider an asymptotic SPDE description of a large portfolio model where the underlying asset prices evolve according to certain stochastic volatility models with default upon hitting a lower barrier. The asset prices and their volatilities are correlated through systemic Brownian motions, and the SPDE is obtained on the positive half-space along with a Dirichlet boundary condition. We study the convergence of the loss from the system, which is given in terms of the total mass of a solution to our stochastic initial-boundary value problem, under fast mean-reversion of the volatility. We consider two cases. In the first case, the volatilities are sped up towards a limiting distribution and the system converges only in a weak sense. On the other hand, when only the mean-reversion coefficients of the volatilities are allowed to grow large, we see a stronger form of convergence of the system to its limit. Our results show that in a fast mean-reverting volatility environment, we can accurately estimate the distribution of the loss from a large portfolio by using an approximate constant volatility model which is easier to handle. Keywords Large portfolio • Stochastic volatility • Distance to default • Systemic risk • Mean-field • SPDE • Fast mean-reversion • Large timescale Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) 60H15 • 41A25 • 41A58 • 91G80 JEL Classification C02 • C32 • G32 This work was supported financially by the United Kingdom Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [EP/L015811/1], and by the Foundation for Education and European Culture (www.ipep-gr.org). A G-Research D.phil prize has also been awarded for a part of this paper.