The utilization rate of the clinical learning model in Indonesia comprises the following:conferences(54.5%),bedsideteaching(54.5%),clinic-tutorials(45.4%),journal percentage (45.4%), and case presentations (45.5%). As a result, this study aimed to improve nursing students' clinical learning outcomes in their ability to effectively address and resolve problems, make informed decisions pertaining to patient cases, and interact with patients and their families. Methods:This study employed an explanatory methodology with a quantitative approach as it elucidated the cause-and-effect relationship between variables. The study sample consisted of 45 nursing students who met the research criteria and conducted clinical practice at the Padang Pariaman Regional Hospital. The study employed total sampling as its sampling technique. Results:After the clinical learning model was implemented, the mean student clinical competency score increased from 24.51 to 26.33, according to the research findings. Similarly, the average student knowledge score also improved from 74.69 to 77.42 following the implementation of the clinical learning model. The study found a significant difference between the level of clinical proficiency students attained before and after the implementation of the clinical learning model (p= 0.001). Additionally, there was a substantial disparity in students' knowledge scores before and after the application of the clinical learning model (p= 0.000). Conclusion:The clinical learning models can improve student learning outcomes and the quality of education.