“…Quality patient contact and teamwork (Moyle et al, 2003), social support and empowerment (Joiner, Stanton, & Bartram, 2004), and investment in learning and development (Johnson, Hong, Groth & Parker, 2011), have all been shown to relate positively with job satisfaction. High satisfaction correlates with a decreased intention to leave the workplace (De Milt, Fitzpatrick, & McNulty, 2011). Stress (Coomber & Barriball, 2006), stress resiliency (Larrabee et al, 2010), perceptions of the adequacy of staffing and missed nursing care (Kalisch, Tschanen, & Lee, 2011), and issues around professional status, remuneration and autonomy (Cowin, 2002), have all been identified as contributing to decreased job satisfaction, and may lead to turnover (Coomber & Barriball, 2006).…”