“…(a) the personal and professional attributes of CEC members [7,16,79,[81][82][83][84][85][86] and the composition, training, experience [70,[78][79][80] and skillset of the team [69, 78-81, 83, 86-96] carrying out the CECons (92-94); (b) the approach adopted and if it considered the ethical, legal, moral, financial, clinical and professional issues holistically and objectively, and whether the process considered prevailing sociocultural and practical issues [5,14,73,88,[99][100][101]105] in a confidential manner [15,79,90,103,108]. Also considered was if the CECons was timely [31,79,109,110], well-documented, structured, accessible [5,9,31], clearly communicated [5,77,79,91,92,99,[111][112][113][114][115][116]…”