PURPOSE. To identify and describe nursing diagnoses, their related factors, and defining characteristics, in hospitalized leukemia patients and to categorize these nursing diagnoses within Functional Health Patterns.
METHODS. Content analysis of 15 nursing records and interviews with 7 oncology nurses working on a hematology/oncology ward in a University hospital in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
FINDINGS. In the leukemia population, 47 nursing diagnoses with their associated characteristics were identified and classified within 10 Functional Health Patterns. Most of the nursing diagnoses were related to the Nutritional‐Metabolic, the Cognitive‐Perceptual, Activity‐Exercise, the Role‐Relationship, and the Coping‐Stress‐Tolerance patterns.
CONCLUSIONS. Results describe the nursing care needs of patients with leukemia. Since the study used a small sample, results should be interpreted with caution. Further research is recommended.