“…The necessity for empathy in a therapeutic relationship between nursing stafiF and patients is stated in a numberof articles (Kalisch 1973, Rogers 1975, Bagshaw & Adams 1985 Empathic ability in the nursing staff and possibilities to leam empathy and raise their empathic ability have also been discussed (Goldstein & Goedhart 1973, Fine & Themen 1977, Layton 1979, Pool & Sanson-Fisher 1980, LaMonica 1981, Ehzur & Rosenheim 1982 Accordmg to LaMonica (1981), empathy is an abihty in the nursing stafif to place himself mentaUy and emotionally mto the world of the patient with whom he is interacting, to communicate his understanding to the patient and the patient's perception of the helper's understanding Patients suffenng from dementia often have behavioural disturbances due to the bram damage This will make it difficult for the nursing staff to understand and place themselves m the patient's world The nurse has to use his imagination and be creative in his contact with the patient Expenence of bumout among nursmg staff workmg m genatnc care is often descnbed as a cause of low empathy, negative attitudes towards the patients, low job satisfaction and turnover (Pines et al 1981, Maslach 1982 Accordmg to Pmes et al (1981), bumout is defmed as 'feelmgs of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion associated with an intense mvolvement with the patient over time' They also state that the expenence of bumout always at least partly contams more general demands which are not pnnumly related to deep mvolvement with the patient Expenence of bumout is charactenzed by physical depletion, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, negative self-concept, negative attitudes towards work, hfe and other people, as well as a lowenng of empathic ability (Chemiss 1980, Pmes rffl/ 1981, Maslach 1982 Bumout is also shown to be related to somatic complamts and illness (Belcastro 1982) Bumout expenences have been found among health care workers (Keane et al 1985, Cronm-Stubbs & Schaffner 1985 m different kmds of health care speaalizahons (Pnce & Bergen 1977, Mor & Laliberte 1984 Development and signs of the expenence of bumout as well as demands and strams causmg bumout have also been ldenti&ed (Pmes & Masladi 1978, Chemiss 1980, Maslach 1982…”