As a frontierswoman Rogers broke imposed boundaries placed on nursing when she created her science of unitary human beings that transcended previous views of nursing and the care of people. Rogers' prescience in the creation of her science captures "The Power of Change: Innovation in a Complex World" published recently as a special Visionaries section of The New York Times (Hannon, 2018), where 35 people were recognized for innovative changes they had created. Characteristics of these people include: "push boundaries to change the way we see the world or live in it," "stubborn devotion to their dream," "find the courage and take risks," "no longer rely on the tool box of the past," and "think in nonlinear and nonbinary ways" (Hannon, 2018, p. 2). Rogers possessed these and other manifestations such as grit with perseverance and passion in creating her science of unitary human beings and in living quality of life.