To explore the incidence, use and scope of patient diaries in Paediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU) in the United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland.
DesignAn electronic survey sent to 30 PICUs in the UK and Ireland.
ResultsAll PICUs (n=30) responded and 43% (n=13) offered diaries. For those units not supplying diaries, the reasons given were concerns around the legal and professional implication of using diaries. Parental/Carer consent to use a diary was gained informally (79%, n=11) and once there was agreement to provide a diary to parents, diaries were usually started immediately (72%, n=12). Parents were the main contributors to the diaries (94%, n=17) and the diaries were populated with photographs (94%, n=15), drawings (100%, n=16) and stickers (94%, n=15). The reasons for offering diaries was to fill gaps in memories, to engage with families and explain what has happened in lay language. The owner of the diary was reported as being the family (82%, n=14) and the child (12%, n=2).
ConclusionsThe use of patient diaries is an evolving intervention in paediatric intensive care settings in the UK and Ireland. This national survey has provided a clearer picture of how this intervention is used in the UK and Ireland. PICU patient diaries are used in a significant number of units and how these are used is relatively standardised, although in some different ways from general ICUs. 4
Relevance to clinical practiceThis survey provides a baseline for future exploration, understanding and promotion of patient diaries as a well evaluated tool for the critically ill child and their families.