New discoveries in the field of neurophysiology and neuropharmacology have revealed the role of (n-3) fatty acids in controlling inflammation and protecting neuron cells from oxidative damage, preserving their function. It has also been thought that their psychoactive properties could be beneficial in certain psychiatric illnesses. This article discusses the newest discoveries of the affected activities by these fats in the cerebral cortex and the efforts that have been made to put them in practice in clinical trials in humans. In general, we were able to detect certain discord in the scientific community when designing placebo-based studies (mainly in establishing the appropriate therapeutic dose of (n-3) fatty acids, varying from the recommended dietary dose to an amount that may be 3 or 4 times higher), and in interpreting results. Although many studies have had the validity of their results questioned because of their small sample size, several studies seem to indicate that the (n-3) fatty acids are useful therapeutic tools in treating psychiatric conditions such as major depression, bipolar disorder, and several other disorders. Larger sample size studies are still required to better analyze the treatment potential of these agents.